Why Robotic Prostatectomy May Be Right For You?

Robotic Prostate Surgery
The robotic prostatectomy is the newest revolutionary upgrade to the traditional prostatectomy thanks to greatly advanced medical technology. The robotic prostatectomy is known for its benefits of decreased recovery time and scarring, nerve-sparing approach and we have consistently demonstrated superior outcomes with respect to cancer control, incontinence, and impotence.
What are the benefits of da Vinci® Robotic prostatectomy?
Quicker return to normal activity
Reduced pain – most patients don’t even need narcotics after surgery
Shorter hospitalization – most go home the next day
Reduced risk of urinary or sexual problems
Virtually no blood loss
Fewer complications
Less scarring than traditional open surgery
Less risk of infection
Why is Robotic prostatectomy preferred over brachytherapy (seeds)?
No risk of getting future cancers with surgery. Radiation increases one’s risk for future new cancers.
Fewer complications. Seeds are associated with intestinal problems and bladder bleeding.
Reduced risk of sexual problems. Radiation can kill the nerves responsible for erections. Advanced robotic surgery can preserve these nerves.
Less risk of urinary problems. With time, radiation can damage the bladder and sphincter causing increased urinary frequency and difficulty voiding.
A Change in Patient Perception
Screening for prostate cancer has led to increased public awareness and early detection, as well as a decline in mortality rates. Robotic radical prostatectomy (robotic-assisted laparoscopic removal of the prostate gland) is also a contributing factor to these encouraging trends. This state-of-the-art surgical procedure can offer the best chance for complete recovery. Wristed instrumentation, tremor filtration and 3D magnification aid the surgeon in performing one of the most demanding aspects of the procedure – nerve-sparing for preservation of post-operative sexual function and urinary control. Along with cancer control, these are key elements in follow-up for patients undergoing treatment.
Are You Right for Robotic Prostatectomy?
Are you interested in the best chances for a cure while maintaining normal sexual and urinary functions? The da Vinci robotic prostatectomy gives patients the best chance of cure while minimizing any urinary or sexual issues. In our expert hands, you can be assured that you have the best chance for complete recovery.
After Robotic Prostate Surgery
You will start on Cialis or Levitra or Viagra 1 week after surgery when your catheter is removed. You can resume sexual activity starting one week after surgery. We recommend having sexual intercourse at least 2 times a week to encourage good penile muscle function and performance. If your erections are not perfect by 6 weeks after surgery, Dr. Gholami will start treatment with stronger medications to ensure normal strong erections. Sexual activity and strong erections are encouraged immediately after surgery to ensure the quickest return to normal function. Although there is no ejaculation, the sensation of climax or orgasm is unchanged. Normal sexual function returns as quickly as a few days after surgery and can improve up to years after the procedure. If you have questions about sexual problems or the da Vinci Robotic Prostatectomy, contact Dr. Gholami.
You Can Resume Your Normal Life As Soon as 2 Weeks After Robotic ProstatectomySex Beyond Prostate Cancer Therapy
Although the first goal of prostate cancer therapy is to rid the body of all cancer, the ability to resume a normal life after prostate surgery is another equally important issue. The possibility of sexual problems, or impotence, after prostate surgery, is a real concern, as the nerves that control urinary and sexual function are intimately associated with and attached to the prostate. With conventional surgery and prostate radiation, these nerves are often damaged as they are fragile and difficult to protect. Using the da Vinci® robotic system in the expert and experienced hands, allows Dr. Gholami to more accurately identify and preserve the vital nerve structures needed for normal sexual and urinary function. The 3-dimensional, high-definition optics of the DaVinci system allows Dr. Gholami to distinguish the cancerous tissues surrounding the prostate from non-cancerous vital tissues around the prostate to ensure a cure for the patient. This advanced West Coast technique has allowed for a dramatic decrease in postoperative problems. After surgery, patients are placed on an extensive rehabilitation program to minimize the time to return to a normal life.
After Robotic Surgery Urine Function, Control, and Incontinence
A catheter will be inserted during surgery. Four to ten days after prostate surgery you will return to Dr. Gholami’s office to have the catheter removed. Bring a protective pad with you. (This is compared to an average of 14-21 days with a catheter after traditional radical prostatectomy.) Upon removal of the catheter, you will need to retrain the muscles that control the flow of urine. Be sure to urinate every three hours when you’re awake to retrain your bladder and as soon as you feel the urge. Walking and Kegel exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Approximately, 300 Kegel exercises a day are recommended until total bladder control is achieved. Kegel muscle exercises are done by stopping your urinary stream/flow or trying to lift your penis up and down. Many patients are dry and do not need pads one week following surgery. However, you may want to wear a bladder control pad in the initial post-operative period to deal with temporary incontinence after prostate surgery. When you begin to regain continence, you will typically remain dry throughout the night at first. The second phase encompasses night and early morning control. Finally, you will remain dry night and day. Drink plenty of water as adequate fluid intake will assist in optimum bladder health. Urinary function also improves for up to two years after prostate surgery. Please remember that overcoming incontinence after prostate surgery will vary from one man to the next. Do your exercises, be patient, and be sure to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about radical prostatectomy incontinence and your progress. At the Northern California Prostate Center, post-operative care and patient satisfaction are critical components of the treatment process.
Urinary Control After Prostate Surgery
Accidental urinary loss or incontinence after prostate surgery is a common concern of patients facing prostate cancer surgery. Robotic prostatectomy, fortunately, minimizes the risk of incontinence. Patients who have robotic prostate surgery regain total bladder control more quickly and completely when compared to open prostatectomy. A review of our data dating back to 2001 has demonstrated an incontinence rate of less than 1%. This is due to the expertise of Dr. Gholami in addition to the excellent optics and dexterity of the DaVinci Robotic system. Recovery of urinary control after prostate surgery varies from a few days after surgery to 3 months after surgery. This recovery is unique to each patient and is dependent on each individuals ability to heal. Long-term urinary control problems are extremely rare after robotic surgery.
Robotic Prostatectomy Outcomes
Surgical results reflect the fine balance between cancer control, urinary continence and erectile function. Studies show that surgical outcomes are greatly affected by the treating surgeon’s level of expertise. Dr. Gholami has over a 99% success rate for patient satisfaction. Dr. Gholami has performed thousands of robotic prostatectomies optimizing techniques for quick urinary and erectile recovery and cancer control with negative surgical margins. Dr Gholami takes care to preserve neurovascular bundles controlling erectile function, however, recovery of function is dependent on the individual and their pre-operative function, type of nerve preservation performed, any difficulties encountered during surgery, and patient compliance with the rehabilitation protocol. Risk of long-term urinary incontinence is less than 3%, erectile dysfunction or sexual dysfunction less than 10% with most symptoms, such as neuropraxis resolving within 3 months after surgery. Patients of Dr Gholami have an overwhelmingly good response and a wealth of treatment options to aid them during recovery.
Recovery Time after Prostate Surgery What to Expect?
Recovery time is much shorter after robotic prostate surgery as compared to that of traditional open prostatectomy or non-robotic laparoscopic prostatectomy. The overall recovery time from a prostate surgery varies from one man to the next; however, here are some typical recovery times of patients who have elected to have a DaVinci Prostatectomy. Time in hospital: Nearly all patients go home within 24-hours of surgery compared to a typical three-day stay for a traditional open prostatectomy Catherization: All patients can have their catheter removed within 4-10 days after surgery Return to work: The majority of our patients are back to normal daily activities within 1-2 weeks. Men with jobs that require heavy lifting will need to be on light duties for 4-6 weeks Urine control: Nearly all patients regain full bladder control within 1-3 months. Activities: Walking and Kegel exercises are recommended to help speed up the recovery process. This regular but gentle form of exercise will strengthen the pelvic floor and also help improve continence, weight control, and cardiovascular health.
Prostate Cancer Recovery
Complete prostate cancer care and recovery can be a realistic expectation. Contact Dr. Gholami to discuss your eligibility for these advanced state-of-the-art procedures.