Prostate Cancer

You have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. We want to restore your health so that you can move forward without ever having to worry about prostate cancer. Dr. Gholami is a Urological Oncologist and can manage every aspect of your cancer care from diagnosis, staging, surgical or radiation treatment, and cancer chemotherapy. We will be with you for your entire journey of cancer care. Contact Dr. Gholami if he can answer any lingering questions or concerns you may have. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. We are dedicated to helping you to ease your concerns and move forward.
Some Information You Should Know:
Prostate cancer strikes 1 in 6 men in their lifetime
About a quarter million people are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the U.S.
Survival rates are over 90% for those diagnosed and treated early
Side effects of therapy are minimal when treatment is done with precision and initiated early
What Treatment Option is Right For You?
The type of treatment that is appropriate for you is based on several factors:
Number of Positive Biopsies
Stage of prostate cancer
Current state of health and age
Personal preferences
Side effects of the different treatment options
The treatment of prostate cancer is based on tumor load and tumor staging. We offer a variety of options from active surveillance of low-grade and low-stage disease to innovative removal of the prostate with precision robotic prostatectomy. Our goal is to provide long-term disease control with a noninvasive approach that minimizes patient inconvenience and side effects.
Dr. Gholami at the California Prostate Cancer Institute (PCI) offers the most advanced treatment options. We specialize in focal therapy, precision laser therapy, selective high-intensity focused ultrasound, and focus radioactive seed placement. Dr. Gholami uses the state-of-the-art da Vinci Robot to remove the prostate and cure prostate disease. If surgical removal is desired, the da Vinci prostatectomy offers tremendous benefits over open surgical procedures and in the hands of Dr. Gholami, you can be assured you have one of the world’s best surgeons treating you. Since 2000, Dr. Gholami has been performing laparoscopic/robotic surgery offering patients compassionate care and state-of-art techniques to ensure excellent outcomes. You can be assured that your surgery will be done in a private environment with Dr. Gholami doing the entire procedure without the use of residents or fellows.
To see what treatment is right for you, contact Dr. Gholami.
From Active Surveillance to Robotic Prostatectomy
The treatment of prostate cancer can range from watchful waiting in an active surveillance environment to removal of the prostate with minimally invasive robotic surgery. Several factors influence the treatment option that is most appropriate for you. The appropriate treatment option is based on your age, your general health, PSA, grade of cancer (how aggressive the cancer cells are), stage of cancer (how far it has spread), number of positive biopsies, and percentage of each biopsy filled with cancer.
The Treatment Options Include:
Active Surveillance- Watchful Waiting
Nutraceutical Therapy (Vitamins, Minerals, Diet)
Hormone Ablation (Chemical Castration)
HIFU (High Intensity Focus Ultrasound)
Focal Therapy
Radiation Therapy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (CT Guided, Cyber Knife)
Radioactie Seed Placement
Proton Therapy
Cryotherapy (Seeds- permanent and temporary)
Robotic Radical Prostatectomy (da Vinci)
Open Surgery (Old Fashioned)
Choosing the right treatment option is complex and confusing. Let Dr. Gholami help guide you on the best treatment option. We provide state-of-the-art care in a private practice environment. Your care is individualized and different from the treatment in a university hospital; we do not use you as a vehicle for teaching or learning that is commonly seen in academic centers. At Northern California Prostate Cancer Institute, all of your treatment is done by Dr. Gholami. We do not use medical students, residents, or fellows in your care.